
June 2024

Update on the Status of the FCO,  Al Bagley Speaks to FCO, Metolius Outing, Top Fly Fishing Books


Conservation Corner

Another Challenging Year for Wild Summer Steelhead Hot summers, warm water, harvest and bycatch, poor ocean conditions, dams, water diversion, hatchery influences, habitat degradation, sea lions, and yes, anglers. I…

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Literary Angler

Honoring Memories Editor’s Note: Non-resident member and bamboo rod craftsman, Dr. Barry Mayer, reached out to me after Ross sent the request for Flyline submissions. Barry has the gift of…

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Conservation Corner

Foundation Presents Check to WaterWatch Thanks to your generous donations at our annual auction’s Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise, The Flyfisher Foundation presented a check to WaterWatch for $31,050 –…

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