
Yes, I would like to donate to the FCO Foundation.

The Flyfishers’ Club of Oregon/Flyfisher Foundation Who We Are The Flyfishers’ Club of Oregon was founded in 1961 and the Flyfisher Foundation was established in 1973. The purpose of both organizations is to promote and preserve the art, science and history of the sport of fly fishing. Toward that end, we have established an impressive fund-raising tradition that supports three primary activities. FFF/FCO Initiatives and Funding Priorities

First, the FFCO/FFF donated its entire C. Edwin Francis collection of rare and out-of-print fly fishing literature, valued at over $100,000, to the Multnomah County Library. And since 2000, we have invested over $75,000 in maintaining and expanding this collection such that it continues to be one of the finest libraries of fly fishing literature in America. Our gift to the MCL made this unique body literature available to the public.

Second, the FFCO/FFF has awarded nearly $120,000 in academic scholarships to graduate degree candidates in fish biology at OSU. Each year’s grantee gives a presentation about their research at one of our Spring dinner meetings.

Third, the FFCO/FFF has granted over $384,000 since 2003 to conservation organizations undertaking significant work to protect and restore the river environments that support fly fishing opportunities for present and future generations. Past grantees include the Western Rivers Conservancy, the McKenzie River Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Oregon Trout, WaterWatch, the Native Fish Society and The North Umpqua Foundation.

In addition, the FFCO periodically publishes The Creel and issues its monthly newsletter, The Flyline. These publications continue the tradition of documenting historical and current information about fly fishing in Oregon and effectively communicating important conservation-related updates for our membership.