President’s Message – January 2023

President Mike Radakovich with Sandy River (AK) King

Welcome everyone to 2023, it will be another fantastic year. Yes, there are many situations and events we can’t control, we can control our outlook on life!!  It is better to be a ray of sunshine rather than a solar flare, both come from the sun, it is how you decide to approach life. Winter steelhead fishing is here,  as always, a great day on the river with friends, enjoying the great outdoors, including Oregon’s gray, cold and rainy days.  We endure hundreds and thousands of casts, some good some bad, all for the  magical tug-tug-tug!!!!

2023 can be a year or miles covered for a round trip Steelhead trip. Smithers BC is approximately 2023 round trip miles by car from Portland Oregon, incredible scenery of mountains and rivers. Smithers BC is the home to many incredible rivers: Buckley, Mortice, Babine Kispiox, plus many more.


PYL on Rogue

Winter Fishing on the Rogue River

One could drive 2023 miles fishing the incredible rivers in Oregon and Washington: Sandy, Clackamas, Rogue, Umpqua, Deschutes, John Day, Kalama, plus many more.

We have incredible monthly programs for your entertainment, thanks to Program Chair Jim Hillas. Keep your eyes open for the email invites and posting on the FCO website.

Tuesday January 10, 6-9pm, we have Jim Carmin, curator of the John Wilson Special Collections, presenting “FCO Literature other Treasures at the Multnomah County Library.” Please sign up for the dinner here.


Mike Radakovich