Wednesday Evening Fly Tying Webinar 6/17/20 – Takahopper

FCO members may join the Long Beach Casting Club’s Wednesday Night Fly Tying Forum weekly via Zoom. Webinars begin at 7:30 p.m. Here is the recipe from Mark Flo:

TAKAHOPPER (Variation of Ed Shank’s Letort Hopper)

Hook: Size 14-16 DaiRiki 280, Tiemco 2303

Thread: Yellow 3/0

Monochord Body: Golden yellow Fly rite dubbing

Under wing: Montana Fly Company Wing material or Etha Wing

Over Wing: Natural deer hair

Head: Clipped deer hair

If you would like to join, email Shirley Sakaguchi ( and she will add you to the distribution, and copy Mark Flo (, who runs the meeting, so he knows how many to expect.  Happy Tying!


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