Member Matters – July 2022

tom mcallister

The dear late Tom McAllister when he was honored for his contributions to the FCO and Tom McAllister OSU Scholarship by John Pyrch

Foundation Awards 2022 Tom McAllister Scholarship to OSU Student Studying Steelhead Life Histories

Oregon State University doctoral student Lauren Diaz is the recipient of this year’s Tom McAllister Scholarship in Fisheries Science. Lauren hails from Miami Florida and while working on her master’s degree, she researched salamanders in North Carolina. During her field work snorkeling the rivers in the south she was drawn to the beauty of the brook trout and the stream ecology as a whole. Now she is a second year Ph.D. student in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences at OSU. Lauren is interested in factors that may influence steelhead anadromy in impounded watersheds. She will study life histories and try to understand what factors may lead to more steelhead remaining as  residents as well as factors that promote their migration. Finally, she hopes to elucidate how changes in watershed management could lead to greater steelhead abundance. We look forward to hearing how her research is progressing at a future FCO meeting.


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Welcome New Member!

Our most recent member is Kate Cahill who has newly moved to Oregon. She says she is also new to fly fishing! Kate, you are sure to find some seasoned anglers in the Club who are more than willing to share their expertise and maybe a few secrets as well! Welcome Kate!


New Venue Ideas

Your FCO Board met recently and one of the topics of discussion was encouraging new members. To that end, we are considering alternate venues located outside the downtown area for occasional meetings. We do need to have a separate room or meeting area where AV is possible. If you have suggestions, please forward them to your Flyline editor. Thank you!

Member Matters items submitted by Lisa Hansen