2021 Auction Update and Fly Fisher Foundation Grantee Announcement

Fisherman makes his way through burned out forest along the North Umpqua River; photo by Dave McCoy

Annual Flyfishers’ Club of Oregon Auction and Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise

May 17th thru 23rd, 2021

Mark your calendars now for our annual auction! We will be on-line this year, with many of your favorite places to fish and vacation on the auction list. We have already procured some new food adventure events and guided trips.

I know some of you may have also marked the Deschutes stonefly hatch in the early summer months, but we have arranged for all of the auction items to be open for bidding every day starting May 17th at 9am, through May 23rd until 8pm – so no one will miss bidding on the item they have their eye on!

We have an especially critical purpose for your Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise donations this year:


We are excited to announce the grantee award winner for the Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise funds for 2021!

We had a number of great grants submitted. It was so encouraging to know how Oregon’s conservation organizations are already working to rebuild from the horrific forest fires throughout Oregon. Their projects spanned the state and their dedication brings hope for the future. The decision for the grant applicant was unanimous, as the targeted project was a bold and highly organized response to recover native fish populations.

The Native Fish Society’s application was the winner, for work to be done on the North Umpqua, at Rock Creek, where the Archie Creek Fire did so much devastation. They also brought a unique approach to tackling challenging recovery work.

The Native Fish Society, with key conservation organization partners, have joined together to form the North Umpqua Coalition to invest in a coordinated effort to improve the presence of wild fish populations in the North Umpqua. The coalition partners include Native Fish Society, Trout Unlimited, Umpqua Watersheds, Pacific Rivers Council, The North Umpqua Foundation, The Conservation Angler and The Steamboaters.

Here is a description of the project we will be funding:


The coalition’s purpose is ensuring Oregon invests in the recovery and conservation of wild fish on the North Umpqua.

“We seek to chart a new course for the basin by preventing a rebuild of Rock Creek Hatchery, ensuring post-fire response projects don’t impair the river or fish,  and transitioning to a focus on wild fish management.

The North Umpqua River was affected by the Archie Creek fire that altered large portions of the mainstem and important tributaries, leaving them charred and barren.

From the flame, smoke, and ashes comes an unprecedented opportunity to reset and refocus on wild fish conservation, restoration, and recovery in the basin. One result of the fire’s destruction was the total loss of the Rock Creek Hatchery, which produced hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, and  Summer Steelhead. The hatchery has direct impacts on the health of the North Umpqua’s wild fish populations and has consistent issues with water quantity, quality, and disease that resulted in fish mortality including large-scale die offs.

Today, we  have the opportunity to write the next chapter in the North Umpqua’s story. It’s an opportunity to strike a new course that manages the North Umpqua River with a wild fish focus. Oregon and the North Umpqua can embark on a new trajectory that envisions managing fisheries on the river with a focus on fostering abundant wild fish populations that support recreational fisheries, healthy ecosystems, and increased natural resilience to our changing climate.”

The Fly Fisher Foundation grant funds will support our efforts to “stop the process to rebuild Rock Creek Hatchery. The destruction of Rock Creek Hatchery presents a unique opportunity to reset the management priorities in the North Umpqua. Our efforts will promote rebuilding wild fish diversity and abundance by reprogramming funding that will support sustainable wild fish management priorities throughout the watershed.”

“Though important parts of the basin’s habitat were burned, we know that these landscapes will  rebound given the opportunity.”

Watch for more information and updates at http://www.flyfisherscluboregon.com and on social media platforms coming your way!

by Janet Arenz, Auction Chair