Member Matters – September 2020


Another Great FCO Outing Coming Up

If you missed the Goose Lake outing, there is another opportunity to gather with fellow Club members at a safe physical distance on Saturday September 19th at picturesque Timothy Lake. Bring your favorite floating device, lunch, and beverages for a day of fly fishing for rainbows, brook trout, and kokanee. Registration is free but please register so we know you are coming.

Salmon River, Middle Fork Adventure

An Adventurous Couple – Bob and Becky Lowry

I was a bit envious when Bob Lowry sent me a passel of action pics from a trip down the Middle Fork, Salmon River. He said he, Becky, and his two sons “survived 5 days of fly fishing and running Class IV rapids” down the wild and scenic section of the river. What a trip! But he didn’t have much time to send more about this trip of a lifetime because he was busy getting ready to set off for the Kiklukh River in SSE Alaska to fish for silver salmon. OK Bob. You definitely owe us a story when you get back home!

Please Contribute Material to Your Flyline

First, a big Shout Out is due for those of you who have sent in your stories, news, commentary and pictures for the Flyline this year. Now more than ever, the Flyline is the connecting link for members of our historical fly fishing club. Please consider a brief submission to reach out and share with members. Bring a smile to fellow members, spur a plan for a trip, urge action, honor history, share a favorite fly. Send your submissions to your Flyline editor. Thank you!

Lisa Hansen


Fish art by member John Pyrch