Membership Update
Our membership continues strong for 2018. We have a total of 168 paid/honorary members, which includes 12 new members for the year. The newest member is Felton Jenkins of White Salmon, WA.
Be sure to bring guests to the club meetings to introduce them to all we have to offer. Encourage them to become members to support all we are doing. Also, if they join soon, they can attend the outing to Rocky Ridge Lakes.
Fun at the August Picnic at Westmoreland Casting Ponds
Members turned out with friends and family to visit, cast, learn, compete, and just have a great time together last month at the Club’s annual picnic. Thanks to our phenomenal Program Chair, Ross Beatty, the event was a great success.
Beginners had plenty of casting instruction from members.
We had a little fun competition, thanks to NW Fly Fishing Outfitters, Royal Treatment Fly Fishing, and Orvis Bridgeport. And there were cool prizes like fishing equipment, shirts, Yeti mugs, and hats provided by the above fly fishing shops and Western Rivers Conservancy.
Best of all, we all had a nice relaxing time at the park casting and talking fishing!
Members sharing fishing stories