Member Matters – August 2024

D Lynch 26

FCO Committees Continue Critical Work to Improve our Club

Here are just a few updates from the committees and dedicated members working to keep your Club vital and valuable to the membership.

The Operations Committee has been thoroughly reviewing and updating the Club’s bylaws. Members are also involved moving the work of the other three committees forward.

The Program Committee is finishing the meeting schedule for the year and evaluating other venues for Club meetings.

The Membership Committee held a special work group chaired by Paul Franklin in June to address how we can effectively recruit and retain members. Fourteen members, including leaders from all the Club’s committees, attended the work group and many ideas were generated. The Membership Committee will develop a 3 year recruitment plan to submit to the other 3 committees. Coordination with the Program Committee will be essential to move the membership recruitment plan forward.

The Club’s website is in the process of being re-vamped, thanks to efforts of Kevin Quinn and the Communications Committee. The new website will be easier to navigate and more engaging.

Lots more work is going on to improve your Club! You can help by recruiting a new member or two to join. We are only as strong as our membership!


jp brown

Brown Trout by John Pyrch