Elections Coming Up in March!
Traditionally the FCO holds its annual election of officers and board members at the February member’s meeting. Due to scheduling issues, we are not holding a Club meeting this month. Thus, the FCO elections will be postponed until the March meeting. You can review the proposed FCO slate that was posted in last month’s Member Matters. The FCO Board members will vote on the Flyfisher Foundation slate at their upcoming board meeting
Nehalem Notes
Rick Pay, Mark Seligman, Mike Radakovich and Jim Hillas went steelheading on the south and north forks of the Nehalem River early this month.
Rick landed four. Mike got one. Mark and Jim got blanked.
Jim Hillas
The FCO had a very special Christmas Holiday program! Joel and Jennifer LaFollette presented on the famous Hardy Reels and their history from England to Oregon. Joel and Jennifer were actually in London, England to do some Hardy research.
The draw for these famous reels brought in some great members we don’t always get to see, including John Redhouse, Mark Metzdorff, Dar Isensee, Bob Lowry, and new FCO Treasurer Kevin Quinn.
Submitted by Janet Arenz